Learning at Scale for the Global South Over the past two years, DL4D has brought together leading international and regional scholars and practitioners to critically assess the potentials, prospects, challenges, and future directions for the Global South in key areas of interest around digital learning. It commissioned discussion papers for each of these [...]
MOOCs as an Alternative for Teacher Professional Development: Examining Learner Persistence in One Chinese MOOC
Massive Open Online Courses
MOOCs as an Alternative for Teacher Professional Development: Examining Learner Persistence in One Chinese MOOC Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) have developed into a significant international movement, showing great promise in addressing equity, quality, and efficiency issues in global education. To date, many MOOCs have been developed specifically for [...]
MOOCs for Higher Education in Nepal
Massive Open Online Courses
MOOCs for Higher Education in Nepal Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) have become a global phenomenon, with universities around the world collaborating to provide MOOCs on a wide variety of subjects. Universities from developed countries like America and Australia have been offering MOOCs for various reasons. For developing countries like [...]