An Evaluation of the Integration of M-learning in Total Reading Approach for Children Plus (TRAC+): Enhancing Literacy of Early Grade Students in Cambodia This study was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of the mobile learning (m-learning) component of the World Education-implemented TRAC+ project. It focused on the value [...]

Guide to Developing Digital Games for Early Grade Literacy for Developing Countries
Digital Game-Based Learning, Literacy
Guide to Developing Digital Games for Early Grade Literacy for Developing Countries This Guide presents information to be considered when designing games for literacy learning, uses game examples that demonstrate how game developers and literacy educators have worked together, and features 12 case studies of good practice games. It [...]

EduApp4Syria: Antura and the Letters and Feed the Monster Impact and Technical Evaluations
Digital Game-Based Learning, Literacy
EduApp4Syria: Antura and the Letters and Feed the Monster Impact and Technical Evaluations EduApp4Syria is a partnership between the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad), All Children Reading: A Grand Challenge for Development (ACR GCD), the Norwegian University of Science & Technology (NTNU), Orange, and the Inter-Agency Network [...]

An Evaluation of ELLN Digital: Technology-Supported Teacher Professional Development on Early Language, Literacy, and Numeracy for K-3 Teachers
Evaluation Research, Literacy
An Evaluation of ELLN Digital: Technology-Supported Teacher Professional Development on Early Language, Literacy, and Numeracy for K-3 Teachers This report describes a mixed methods study of the Early Language, Literacy, and Numeracy Digital (ELLN Digital) teacher professional development (TPD) program pilot in the Philippines. The pilot took place in 2016-2017, implemented [...]

Examining the effects of ABRACADABRA, a web-based literacy program for primary school students in rural China
Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Literacy
Examining the effects of ABRACADABRA, a web-based literacy program for primary school students in rural China This study investigated the effects of A Balanced Reading Approach for Children Always Designed to Achieve Best Results for All (ABRACADABRA [ABRA]), a web-based literacy program developed by the Centre for the Study of [...]