Mobile Gamification-based Language Learning in Mongolia: Toward a Participatory Learning Model The researchers aimed to design and implement a participatory model of mobile-assisted language learning (MALL) in order to enhance English education experience in public schools in Mongolia. In particular, the researchers sought to examine three research questions concerning the implementation [...]

Developing a Student Support System Through Learning Analytics for Undergraduates at the University of the Philippines Open University
Learning Analytics
Developing a Student Support System Through Learning Analytics for Undergraduates at the University of the Philippines Open University Through learning analytics, this study identified various factors affecting students’ success in the Associate in Arts (AA) program of the University of the Philippines Open University (UPOU). Data from various sources [...]

Microclimate Studies in a STEM-Based Curriculum Using Open Source Hardware and Software
Intelligent Tutoring Systems
Microclimate Studies in a STEM-Based Curriculum Using Open Source Hardware and Software This project presents a design for schools in developing countries such as Indonesia. It encourages a networked mesh of open source environmental sensors to help teachers surface students’ evolving intuitions and conceptions about their local microclimate through a [...]

A Localised Problem-Based Tutor for O/L Mathematics in Sri Lanka
Intelligent Tutoring Systems
This research project will implement a problem-based intelligent tutoring system for the Mathematics curriculum in the General Certificate of Education - Ordinary Level (GCE O/L) government examination, which is taken by all students in Sri Lanka at the age of 16. This system targets improving the performance of students in answering question papers. It will [...]

Examining the effects of ABRACADABRA, a web-based literacy program for primary school students in rural China
Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Literacy
Examining the effects of ABRACADABRA, a web-based literacy program for primary school students in rural China This study investigated the effects of A Balanced Reading Approach for Children Always Designed to Achieve Best Results for All (ABRACADABRA [ABRA]), a web-based literacy program developed by the Centre for the Study of [...]

Investigating the Impact of Game-Based Learning in Mathematics Using Tablets Among Primary School Students
Digital Game-Based Learning
Investigating the Impact of Game-Based Learning in Mathematics Using Tablets Among Primary School Students The study seeks to investigate the impact of digital game-based learning (DGBL) using technology in low-cost tablets installed with instructionally sound educational games, which may help in disrupting the current education system and give access to [...]
MOOCs for Higher Education in Nepal
Massive Open Online Courses
MOOCs for Higher Education in Nepal Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) have become a global phenomenon, with universities around the world collaborating to provide MOOCs on a wide variety of subjects. Universities from developed countries like America and Australia have been offering MOOCs for various reasons. For developing countries like [...]